Village of Harrison Hot Springs
2019 – Ongoing
Engineering/Landscape Architecture/Urban Planning
CTQ, with The Village of Harrison Hot Springs, has prepared a Lagoon Area Master Plan.
The area surrounding the site has received some enhancement over the years. Most recently, improvements have been made to the beach washrooms, the bandshell adjacent to Maple Ave, and Phase 2 of the Esplanade revitalization.
Some ideas have been considered for future development of the site and the Village felt that a comprehensive master planning exercise will serve as a guiding document, and the basis for a commitment to move forward with developing the site. The Master Plan will be used as the definitive design document to help plan, phase, budget and construct the future lagoon area improvements.
The Village required that the planning exercise benefited from a public consultation component along with technical knowledge regarding the water and foreshore, environmental context and ultimately a creative and exciting design. The Plan will provide recommendations for the site planning and include costs for all main infrastructure, phasing of improvements, and design concepts for pedestrian and vehicular circulation and parking needs.
Some of the design and process considerations in the preparation of the Lagoon Area Master Plan included public consultations, beach users, lagoon walkway and area recreational use, play area, boat launch, parking, artificial ice surface, environmental habitat enhancement and the attraction of longer term and repeat tourism. CTQ also provided designs for the project that covered, lighting, signage, entry/gateway features, viewpoints, interpretive areas, seating nodes and developed a phasing plan that addressed cost effective and affordable implementation of capital improvements.